On 12/03/05, Kansas Territory <kansast at mac.com> wrote: > > So I have some log files from an application that are written into a > directory in ~/Library/Application Support/Logs That's one strange application. Those should go into ~/Library/Logs/. Maybea note to the app developer is in order. > This is not a directory that Spotlight indexes normally. And is not > an option to Activate in the spotlight preferences. > > Is there some way I could psyche out Spotlight to index this ~/ > Library/Application Support/Logs directory. > > I tried creating an alias of the "Logs" directory and putting it into > my ~/Documents directory. But that didn't seem to help. Now It's > been since earlier today that I created this Alias. Is it possible > Spotlight hasn't checked on it yet ? or should it be immediate if > it's going to work at all ? > > Any suggestions would appreciated. See the manpage for mdimport. Try something like: mdimport -f ~/Library/Application\ Support/Logs/ (you might have to invoke sudo). Untested and use at your own risk. For more on reconfiguring Spotlight, see "Configure Spotlight to index excluded directories" at <http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2005050222125145>.