[X4U] HomePage, dot-Mac

Jim Robertson jamesrob at sonic.net
Mon Dec 19 07:27:57 PST 2005

On 12/18/05 7:23 PM, "Linda" <XPressoBean at mac.com> wrote:

> When you go to mac.com, click Homepage, you're presented with a list of the
> sites you currently have up. in the lower right corner of that "section" of
> the page -- above the themes -- you can click a button to create a new site
> (rather than a new page). Click that, and you can name the new *site* rather
> than the new page.

I was doing all that, but making one mistake. I was naming the new site with
a space between two words, which is a no-no (it even says so in the list of
list of permitted characters). However, there was no user feedback from the
server that I'd made a mistake, and an editing window appeared (but listing
the pages of my previous site).

"Mark" suggested I use a REAL web design program. I've been down that road.
Back when my HS sophomore was in 6th grade, he had to design a website
featuring stuff about Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar."

"Hell, I've got graduate degrees; I can help with this," I thought, and I
purchased the then-current version of Adobe GoLive. Many, MANY hours later,
my son had his website, and I had my first "B-minus" since my days as a
college senior when, loaded with tech courses and bound for med school, I
went far astray into a seminar on Wagner and Nietzsche that had more
instructors than students and assigned weekend homework like "read


Jim Robertson

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