[X4U] Where can Services be downloaded?

Stroller macmonster at myrealbox.com
Fri Dec 23 23:37:11 PST 2005

On Dec 23, 2005, at 10:18 pm, John Baltutis wrote:
> In order for services to work, they have to be incorporated into each 
> specific
> application.

I must be reading you completely wrong. It's early in the morning - 
particularly for me! - and my blurry head just isn't grokking your 
syntax, or something.

I've installed WordService, from the URL I posted previously, and it's 
available from every application on my system except Office & Internet 

The Services Menu is accessible to any Cocoa app, I believe - certainly 
WordService hasn't been specifically incorporated into Mail.app, but in 
Mail I can highlight text, click on Services & use WordService's 
"change case" facility to convert to all caps or Initial Caps Of Words.


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