[X4U] "Who makes the best personal computers?" vote at Forbes

Alec McKenzie alec at mckenzie.me.uk
Fri Feb 11 12:31:35 PST 2005

At 15:00 -0500 on 11/2/05, Neil wrote:
>on 2/11/05 2:23 PM, Aron S. Spencer wrote:
>>  <http://www.forbes.com/technology/2005/02/11/cx_jp_0211polldujour.html>
>I would like to vote, but I'm not familiar with most of those brands, only
>Apple, so I'm not informed enough to make a decision.

Then shouldn't your vote be the last one: 'I don't know'?

Alec McKenzie
alec at mckenzie.me.uk

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