[X4U] Virtual PC problem

Bill Northcott w.northcott at unsw.edu.au
Wed Jan 5 15:18:41 PST 2005

> From: Jan Melichar <janmel at mac.com>
> Reluctantly from time to time I have to try things out in Windows. I
> have made a mixed CD - audio track and data. This works well on the Mac
> and on a friend's PC running windows 95 and 98.I'm now trying it out on
> Windows XP (running in Virtual PC 6) and (I'm embarrassed to say) I
> simply cannot find the data portion of the CD. The audio is there but
> no sign of that data. I am hoping that the problem is with my set up or
> just plain stupidity on my part. Whichever I would be grateful for
> being pointed in the right direction.
It seems to me quite likely that when VPC6 was written, which is now 
some time back, the Mac did not support that type of CD and so 
Connectix did not support it in their VPC driver.
It is the sort of thing that should be fixed in VPC7, but ...... who 

Bill Northcott

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