[X4U] Re: Apple's move to Intel chips

Timothy J. Luoma lists at tntluoma.com
Thu Jun 9 14:23:32 PDT 2005

...... Original Message .......
On Thu, 09 Jun 2005 15:48:21 -0500 "Nick Scalise" <nickscalise at mac.com> 
>>That's why I cringe everytime someone compares the OS X timeline to
>>XP/Longhorn. Not nearly fair.
>Except when you compare the resources of the two companies.

yes but a friend who used to work at ms says this is the biggest source of 
internal frustration. "we've got to support this hardware which often times 
relies on a previous problem which would no longer exist except that 
hardware now relies on it working THIS WAY even when it's wrong."

Now that's the choice they've made  ut anytime you hear them try to leave 
behind old unsupported hardware you'll hear the masses howl.  Win2k and XP 
were supposed to help with "driver certification" but it was so intensive 
and slow many products went ahead and shipped before getting it.  Result?  
Everyone expects even unofficial hardware to work.

Ironically the only time this ever bit me was in a Firewire PC card I 
bought to use with XP -- and my iPod.  When I tried to update it, it 
failed, and AppleCare's first question was "is your firewire card on the 
official hardware list for XP?"

It wasn't.  For an extra $15-20 I could have gotten one that was.  Bought a 
new one, gave away the old, and my iPod worked fine.

Once I used the hardware Apple told me to use.

OpenStep for Intel had a small number of drivers for supported 
peripherals... But the ones that were supported worked really well.


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