[X4U] Trackpad/Sleep

Mary C.Youra mcyoura at ix.netcom.com
Mon Jun 20 15:32:15 PDT 2005

I seem to remember reading about a bunch of trackpad/10.3.8 issues 
awhile back, but paid no attention because my iBook wasn't having any 
problems. Now, however, my daughter, far from home and newly graduated 
from college, has an iBook 14 G4. Not long ago, she updated to 10.3.8, 
and reports that her trackpad freezes when her computer goes to sleep 
now. Not when she closes the lid, but when her computer is left 
inactive, and the Energy Saver puts it to sleep. The display seems to 
wake from sleep, but the cursor won't move using the trackpad. 
Attaching an external mouse works, however. In order to regain trackpad 
functionality, she has to Shut Down. It worked fine before (10.3.5 and 

Her dad suggested upgrading  to 10.3.9. So she did using Software 
Update (and after using Disk Utility to repair permissions), then ran
Onyx afterward, but the behavior continues. Would it be worth a try to 
reinstall 10.3.9, but this time using the combo update? If so, do
you just download it and ask it to install, or do you need to do 
something else first to coax the installer to run in the first place?

She does have a brand new copy of Tiger which she's been holding off 
installing, waiting for the dust to settle, since she's not very
tech-savvy. Would it be better to install that? (I had found, searching 
for advice on the web, a similar complaint where an Apple tech 
supposedly had advised reverting to 10.3.9 from Tiger because 10.3.9 is 
supposed to fix so many trackpad issues. So I'm scratching my head.)

Does anyone have advice I can pass on to her?

many thanks,


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