At 12:15 -0800 on 3/19/05, Randy B.Singer wrote: > >At this point all the major authorities agree that if your drive is >approaching 20% full you should defragment your drive to stave off funky >behavior or even directory damage, or you should get a new drive (which >is, of course, a perfectly fine way of handling the situation, though not >an economical one if you have a huge hard drive and expect to make use of >multiple gigabytes of unused space on it.) So what's the best thing to defrag with these days . . . I've sort of sworn off of Norton Utilities as it gets blamed for lots of things . . .and haven't kept up with the current state of these utilities. -- =================================================================== Neil There are only three kinds of stress . . . your basic nuclear stress, cooking stress, and A$$hole stress. All of the three are related . . . the key is Jello.