[X4U] iTunes Limits ???

Robert Ameeti robert at ameeti.net
Tue Mar 29 05:09:58 PST 2005

>21K individual titles or total CDs (that is, there may be 
>duplicates)? At a rate of 5 per hour, 8 hours per day, 7 days a 
>week, it would take you a year and a half to rip that many disks.

I think not. While I did start ripping my CDs a year or so ago, the 
length of time is all about the speed of the processor. I found great 
pleasure with the purchase of newer computers and seeing my ripping 
time decrease dramatically. I currently have around 24,000 songs 
ripped and it takes up about 90 GB. As for the length of time, I 
don't know but do note that I've ripped my collection twice cuz I 
wanted to do it at a different rate as times have changed.

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