[X4U] Re: Applecare

Timothy Luoma lists at tntluoma.com
Tue Oct 4 18:56:19 PDT 2005

On Oct 3, 2005, at 2:00 PM, Philip J Robar wrote:

> I think that Applecare for inexpensive things like a Mini or my  
> $1000 Powerbook are a complete rip off as they cost a significant  
> fraction of the cost of the machine. And in the ~20 years that I've  
> been a Mac owner I've never needed to call Apple for support.

I've called them several times in a year+ since April 2004.  Maybe  
you've been fortunate.  My Powerbook was $2400, so AppleCare seemed  
very reasonable.  It's already replaced my hard drive which went a  
year ago August.

Yes for many things like DVD players, etc the extended warranty isn't  
worth it.  For the Powerbook I think it is a wise investment.


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