[X4U] Re: Lack of sleep

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Thu Sep 1 15:05:18 PDT 2005

> On Sep 1, 2005, at 4:47 PM, RR wrote:
> > Tiger, quite frankly - SUCKS.
> I'm sorry it hasn't worked out well for you, but you do realize that  
> the vast majority of people aren't having a problem, so it seems a  
> bit overboard to register a verdict on the entire OS.
> TjL

I'm going to have to agree.  Tiger SUCKS!!!

1. They broke Appletalk support
2. The memory footprint is OUTRAGEOUS, suddenly my G5 2x2 with 1.5GB of RAM
   needs an additional 2GB of RAM to continue to perform the same
3. No way to turn off that stupid widget mess, and lets not forget that the
   feature shipped with a dangerous security hole.

Those are just the issues I can think of off the top of my head.  Thanks to
an unfortunate incident involving a dead hard drive I'm back to running
10.3.9 and *MUCH* happier.

10.4 does do a couple things better than 10.3.9, but they don't outway the
things it does worse.


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