[X4U] Re: Lack of sleep

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Fri Sep 2 14:02:23 PDT 2005

> I backed out to 10.3.x because I didn't want to replace my SE/30 file
> server that I have used for years. The frustration is that I had to pay
> Apple to find out about it.

I agree, this is something that should have been made known before hand, how
many of us spent $130 only to find out that 10.4 won't work for us?

> Apple "fixed" AppleTalk in 10.4.2 so that Tiger can talk to Windoze boxes
> over SMB. Does that make Wintel more important than OS 7.5 Macs?

OK, you lost me there, did they fix AppleTalk, or did they actually fix
their implementation of Samba (isn't Samba how they access SMB shares)?

Realistically, as much as it pains me to admit it, yes, Windows is more
important than System 7.5 Macs.  We're among the very few people that still
have systems running System 7.5.

I'm happy back on 10.3.9 for the time being, as it means I have access to
the Appletalk shares on my OpenVMS server, however, I realize that I
eventually have to migrate off of Appletalk.  As I've previously stated NFS
doesn't work, Apple needs to fix their implementation.  As I see it I've the
following options.

1. Put a Unix box inbetween OpenVMS and the Mac, in other words the Unix box
would mount the OpenVMS NFS exports, and then re-export them to the Mac.  I
*think* this will work, but even if it does it's *UGLY*.
2. Get OpenVMS and Mac OS X talking via SMB.  This means either Samba or
Advance Server running on OpenVMS.  The existing version of Samba I'm using
expects plain-text passwords, and I've not figured out how to turn them off. 
I honestly don't know if either Samba on OpenVMS or Advance Server can be
made to work with Mac OS X.
3. Get Apple to fix their NFS client.  Simply put, figure the odds, they
seem to want NFS on the Mac broken.  Probably becuase they think it will
help them to sell more Mac OS X servers.

> Netpresenz (Stairways) allows two way comm from the SE/30 with my Linux
> boxes (Two @ $10.00 each). Go->Connect to server (SE/30 via ftp) is only
> one way.  My G4 using OS 10.3 allows me to use BBEdit on four screens to
> handle Linux via telnet. With a decent text editor for Linux I might drop
> OS neXt altogether. This is written in Eudora on an 8500 running OS 9.1.

I'm guessing you've tried and don't like things such as XEmacs?  I use
either 'joe' or XEmacs depending on what I'm doing.

> And. . . I use my television for video and I rarely listen to music.
> Newspapers are good. What is Apple selling that I can't do in Linux?

In your case, not much, in my case it's not what Apple is selling, rather
what Adobe and Eudora are selling.  If those apps were available on Linux
I'd be seriously tempted to switch.


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