[X4U] New iTunes 5 - cool skin dude!

DZ-Jay dz at caribe.net
Tue Sep 13 02:09:04 PDT 2005

Well, I for one do not really care for the "flat" look of either the 
new iTunes or the Tiger Mail.app.  Panel separators are just lines, 
instead of sliding bars to give them depth, and makes the window look 
flat and uninteresting.

I agree that the brush metal look was a bit over-the-top, but the new 
plasticky look is just underwhelming.


1.    Ninjas are mammals.
2.    Ninjas fight ALL the time.
3.    The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.

On Sep 12, 2005, at 22:57, Adam Bass wrote:

> Yeah, it's about time Apple realized that especially in the case of 
> brushed metal, the less amount of metal, the better. I'm sure the 
> other brushed metal apps will soon get this smaller, cleaner look as 
> well. Mail isn't really a brushed metal app, so I'm guessing that 
> won't change, at least in the way that iTunes changed. The new look in 
> Tiger's Mail was weird at first, but I've grown to like it.
> Adam
> On Sep 7, 2005, at 6:50 PM, Steve Self wrote:
>> Ok... So I like the new streamlined look. Especially the simulated 
>> green glass display.
>> Now lets get this kind of clean and spare look ported over to iCal 
>> and Mail and Address Book...
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