[X4U] Tiger doesn't mount firewire volume that Panther does

Wayne Wilkin macsys at mac.com
Tue Sep 13 07:56:10 PDT 2005

Sorry don't have a solution, but I am glad that I am not the only one going thru this crap. I thought I was alone. I have multiple firewire drives, all lacie, different models. 2 porches drives and one vertical silver type drive. All have the same problems, all have the most current firmware. Every once in awhile I will get a message saying that the drive could not be recognized, do I want to format it, ignore it. I can ignore it, turn it off then turn it on and everything is fine. Seems to be just in Tiger, I haven't noticed any problems in Panther. These drives were all partitioned with Panther, I was wondering if the partitioning scheme changed in Tiger buy haven't been able to investigate, Wayne.

On Tuesday, September 13, 2005, at 10:34AM, Wayne Clodfelter <wayne at troutnc.com> wrote:

>Recently purchased QuickSilver w/Tiger OS. Oddly, when booted in Tiger, 
>one of the three volumes on a firewire drive will not mount. When 
>booted in Panther, the volume mounts with no problem.
>Disk Utility within Tiger will not mount the volume.
>DiskWarrior 3.0.2 rebuilds the directory but says a Macintosh services 
>error keeps it from replacing the old directory. DW says boot from the 
>CD and rebuild again. I did that with success, but the volume still 
>will not mount under Tiger.
>This does nothing to boost my confidence in Tiger; and I was skeptical 
>about it to start with. From the little I have seen of it, I see NO 
>improvement in performance over Panther. And it is not as intuitive or 
>as user-friendly as Panther is. At least, not in this brief window of 
>exposure I have seen.
>For the heck of it, I'm going to backup the Tiger-unmountable volume, 
>erase it, and restore it--just to see if that corrects the Tiger 
>Meanwhile, has anyone else had this same problem with Tiger?
>BTW, I have an identical FW drive of 3 identically sized volumes that 
>DOES mount under Tiger.
>Wayne Clodfelter
>wayne at troutnc.com
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