[X4U] Applescript gurus- auto-invoke screen lock?

Michael Elliott michaelelliott at mac.com
Thu Sep 29 20:09:56 PDT 2005

Interesting...but that would still leave my account un-logged-in,  
with all of the preferences for EyeTV in that account, I think

Thanks for the screensaverengine.app tip...I can just link it to  
launch at login in the Accounts pane!


On Sep 29, 2005, at 7:17 AM, John Azevedo wrote:

> On Sep 27, 2005, at 11:05 PM, Michael Elliott wrote:
>> I currently have my computer set to boot directly into the kids'  
>> accounts so that, in the event of a "hard crash" or hard-restart,  
>> that they still have easy access to their applications without  
>> going through a login procedure, etc.
>> However, I have EyeTV running on my account, which allows me to  
>> record TV shows like a digital video recorder, and if my account  
>> isn't logged in, it won't run. Invariably, my iMac will have  
>> locked up or crashed and have been re-booted on the day of a  
>> particularly interesting program I want to watch.
> Try setting  /Library/Application Support/EyeTV/EyeTVHelper as  
> Login item on their acount.

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