[X4U] Boot Camp [A]

Robert Ameeti Robert at Ameeti.net
Wed Aug 9 14:04:24 PDT 2006

At 7:22 PM +0100, 8/9/06, Stroller wrote:

>It's really not clear that the right "to distribute an individual 
>software license" is something that the end-user agrees to when he 
>purchases an OEM copy of Windows for his own use, so you have still 
>failed to establish the legality of the matter.

The seller of the OEM disk is operating outside of their license to 
sell it to you. If you should purchase it, you are still libel for 
legal use. You can't obtain something and use the excuse that 'I did 
not know' or the license isn't between Microsoft and me'. Any excuse 
to explain purchasing an OEM disk falls on its face if you are not an 



Robert Ameeti

That Lowdown Scoundrel Deserves To Be Kicked To Death By A Jackass, And I'm Just The One To Do It.
- A Congressional Candidate In Texas

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