[X4U] Airport Extreme

Jim Elmore jelmore at elmoredesign.com
Wed Aug 16 06:15:30 PDT 2006

You could use a Belkin G card instead to get the high speeds.

On Aug 16, 2006, at 7:33 AM, Daly Jessup wrote:

> At 12:24 PM +0200 8/16/06, Paul Moortgat wrote:
>> A friend from Oregon has mailed me with the next problem.  I don't  
>> have this card, so I ask the gurus from this group.
>> <<  I recently bought and installed an Airport Extreme card in my  
>> Mac G4, which is running Tiger. The card is sloppy in the plug-in,  
>> and I'm thinking maybe I should have purchased a regular Airport  
>> Card instead of Airport Extreme for this old machine.  No one told  
>> me to buy Airport Extreme, I just tried to get the latest equipment.
>> Could you tell me if I've made a mistake? The computer tells me  
>> that the card is not installed, so I know something's wrong.>>
> Here's an Apple article about it. Apparently the only G4 that takes  
> an Airport Extreme (versus Airport) card is the PowerMac G4  
> FireWire 800.
> <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=107440>
> Here's an article showing how to differentiate between different  
> models of G4, so he can look and figure out if he has the required  
> model. If not, he will have to exchange it for an  Airport card. I  
> have bought a few of those on eBay, and there are other sources  
> around, but Apple no longer sells them.
> <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=42739>
> Daly
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