[X4U] iTunes authorization

Michael Winter winter at mac.com
Mon Dec 4 06:22:06 PST 2006

On Dec 4, 2006, at 5:02 AM, Simon Forster wrote:

> On 4 Dec 2006, at 10:16, Kirk McElhearn wrote:
>> On Dec 4, 2006, at 11:05 AM, Simon Forster wrote:
>>> I was an early adopter of iTunes and bought a couple of tracks  
>>> from the store almost as soon as it was launched. Quite quickly I  
>>> lost the tracks (laptop replacement, dying hard drives etc) and  
>>> so I decided not to buy DRMed tracks. More recently I bought an  
>>> album from iTunes - which has gone too as I swapped machines around.
>> In other words, you didn't back up your files...? :-)
> Actually, no.

At which point you've lost the file wether its DRM'd or not.

> Now think tracks I can't access. Why keep them?

Because all you have to do is authorize the new computer. If that's  
too much of a hassle, then the iTMS isn't for you.  I just don't  
think its fair to blame Apple for the loss of those tracks. As I  
said, if they were purchased and downloaded with no DRM and you  
failed to back them up, they're gone just as surely.


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