[X4U] Apple Bluetooth Mice not connecting properly to 15" AlBook

Gardner Byron mailmehere at mindspring.com
Tue Dec 5 14:53:08 PST 2006

You might try to reinstall the Mouse software on the CD or from Apple  

On Dec 4, 2006, at 6:09 PM, Brett Conlon wrote:

> Hi all,
> At work I use an Apple Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard connected to my  
> 15"
> AlBook running 10.4.6. It has been working great for me for quite some
> time. But in trying to connect a second spare Apple Bluetooth mouse at
> home all I get is the ability to click but the cursor won't move. I
> thought that perhaps I was getting some sort of freaky interference at
> home so I went back to work and I tried connecting it there but no  
> luck. I
> even tried a few other Bluetooth mice kicking around and all have  
> the same
> reaction - no movement but clicks OK. The mouse I was originally using
> fine at work still worked properly though.
> I then mistakenly used the Bluetooth Explorer app from the Developer
> installer to completely empty my Bluetooth connection history list
> (including the current connections) and now I can't get any mice to  
> work
> properly after connecting - just clicking works. The setup assistant
> reports that pairing with each of the mice I tested went OK.  
> Connecting
> the Apple Bluetooth keyboard again went smoothly so the issue is  
> just with
> mice.
> I also tried deleting the com.apple.bluetooth.Plist file and  
> rebooted....
> no luck. Full shutdown and zapping of PRAM has had no effect.
> The easy suggestion is to upgrade to 10.4.8 and see if that helps  
> but I've
> been hesitant to go to 10.4.8 yet.
> Your suggestions are most appreciated!
> Cheers,
> Coj
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