[X4U] Apples Airport worth the extra cost?

Steve Self steveself at mac.com
Thu Dec 14 09:23:43 PST 2006

I have set up both Airport Extreme (and Expresses) and Linksys  
wireless.  Personally I would spend the extra for the value in the  
Apple set up software. I have had issues with Linksys units and am  
still struggling with a new unit to get it to stop dropping the  
WildBlue ethernet signal at a friends house.

I am not a network admin, just an advanced user. So when asked by  
others at my level or less experienced, I always recommend the  
Airports for ease of set up. That said, I have often had to run thru  
the whole set up procedure twice to get it to work, and I have to  
reboot the master base station in my home network about once every  
3-4 months when it stops working.

I also LOVE the Airport Express units, I own 5, for travel, for music  
streaming etc.

Also note, a new 10x faster technology is in the works to replace the  
current Airport extreme. I hear rumors of its release in the spring.  
Will probably be needed to stream video around the house and add more  
than 4-5 nodes for simultaneous music.


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