[X4U] Re: hidden files

Daly Jessup jessup at san.rr.com
Mon Feb 6 05:00:53 PST 2006

At 4:24 AM -0800 2/6/06, Sean Collins wrote:
>There's this nifty applescript that was posted a few years ago, 
>which toggles Finder visibility on/off.  I keep it in my window 
>sidebar for easy access.
>Copy this text into a script editor document, compile and save as a 
>stand-alone  application.
>do shell script "if [ `cat 
>~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist | grep -A 1 
>AppleShowAllFiles | grep string | cut -c10-11` == 'ON' ]; then
>defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles OFF
>defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles ON
>tell application "Finder" to quit
>delay 1
>tell application "Finder" to launch

That was an interesting exercise, but I'm wondering if AppleScript 
has changed in the intervening years? This script successfully  made 
my invisible files visible, but then would not toggle them back to 
invisible. Luckily, I remembered the freeware, "Tinkertool", and was 
able to toggle them back off in the Finder tab of  Tinkertool.

In case someone else experiences this glitch, here's a link to TinkerTool:



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