[X4U] Re: browser decomposition??

TjL lists at tntluoma.com
Tue Feb 7 15:04:40 PST 2006

 ..... Original Message .......
On Tue, 7 Feb 2006 08:04:28 -0600 "nk" <netkat at comcast.net> wrote:
>"As you may have heard, Microsoft is no longer supporting Internet Explorer for Macs…What you also may not know is browsers have built in obsolescence... they corrupt and break down after a period of time. "

The person who wrote that was either vastly underinformed or completely ignorant.

They don't break down at all.  What happens is that features are added and changed (and sometimes web standards gradually become adopted and older browsers don't support them).

Netscape4, for example, will still run just fine, but many sites using proper web standards find that their sites won't render in Netscape 4 at all, or may even cause the browser to crash.

This isn't the browser decomposing, it was simply poorly coded from the beginning but no one noticed because no one was using CSS, javascript that way when it was developed.


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