[X4U] itunes & g4 question

Philip J Robar pjrobar at areyoureallythatstupid.org
Wed Feb 8 09:58:34 PST 2006

On Jan 24, 2006, at 2:01 PM, alexandre wrote:

> [I] would like to migrate my itunes library (~30gb and growing)  
> from my albook to a [G]4 tower and share it from there. [I] will  
> then log in from my powerbook and stream it to my [H]i[F]i system.
> [D]o any of you have any experience with this kind of set-up?
> [I]s streaming going to be smooth as it is now?
> [W]hat kind of [G]4 tower should [I] get? [I]s a 450[MH]z enough?  
> [O]bviously, the faster the better, but [I]'m on budget…
> [A]ny tips?

On Feb 8, 2006, at 7:25 AM, alexandre wrote:

> hi joe
> thanks for your answer.
> the idea was not to mount the drive on my powerbook but to share  
> the tower's itunes library and then stream it from my laptop to the  
> base station.
> but ard or vnc sounds good too.
> [I]s a fast/powerful mac needed or can an "old" 400-450[MH]z do the  
> job…?

No need for ard, vnc, or file sharing. Any G4 (and likely G3) is more  
than fast enough to stream audio via iTune's built-in sharing  
feature. I personally use a G4 at 400 for this.


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