[X4U] firewire hub

Daly Jessup jessup at san.rr.com
Thu Feb 9 04:35:40 PST 2006

At 4:27 AM -0800 2/9/06, CYNTHIA MOORE wrote:
>I made the mistake and purchased two usb external hard
>drives for back up and they are painfully slow. I
>already own a firewire drive which I was using for
>backups but had to delegate it to another use. Now I
>would like to purchase another firewire but since I
>only have one firewire slot on the G5 (I think), I
>need some sort of firewire hub. Can anyone recommend
>one? Also can anyone recommend a 150GB firewire drive?

I use an IO-GEAR 6-port FireWire hub that has performed flawlessly no 
matter what equipment I put on it.  This looks like the same one:

I don't know about FireWire drives. My own preference is to get an 
Firewire enclosure and separately buy a drive to put into it. Then if 
the drive goes south, you still have the enclosure and it's easy to 
replace. I like SeaGate drives these days. I've had very good luck 
with them. I personally like WiebeTech enclosures. There are cheaper 
enclosures available. For instance, I have seen recommendations for 
the Argosy:

I'm sure you will hear from others with their own suggestions.


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