[X4U] Lifespan of Harddrives?

William Scammell bill at wscd.biz
Sat Feb 11 06:53:57 PST 2006

On Feb 10, 2006, at 2:41 PM, nk wrote:

> naw..no spikes, but DANG, these things get warm. not too hot to  
> touch, but very VERY warm
> guess manuf's cheaped out and stopped including fans as in days of  
> yore..or maybe they want their drives to burn out to generate more  
> business...
> nk

i just picked up a Maxtor One Touch a few days ago.

300GB for $315 at the apple store.

7200RPM with a rather noisy fan, though it does go to sleep after a bit.

my previous maxtor lasted about 3.5 years, but i am in the process of  
trying to get 15+ years of backups off that old drive. <crosses  
fingers> i'm hoping it's an internal connection as the drive quietly  
spins up, and i can print to my epson 2200 through the FW daisychain.


William Scammell
Creative Director

bill @ wscd.biz

vox: 781-956-3548
fax: 978-594-5290

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