[X4U] Re: Apple mail problems

CYNTHIA MOORE cindypmoore at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 25 04:32:48 PST 2006

I have rebuilt every message in every folder of my
mail program.
When I installed Fusion, I was given an option to
import fonts from Suitcase XI. I did not allow Fusion
to do this.
As for the system fonts, I don't remember bringing up
that dialogue box. Right now I have closed every font
except system fonts, arial, helvetica and times. 
I talked to a Apple rep and he suggested I reinstall
my mail program, but there isn't an option for that.
When I delete the plist in the prefrences, the only
thing that happens is my in box message disappear.
I also created a new user and the new mailbox had the
same problems. 
Thank you for your help. Cindy

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