Re2: [X4U] Leaving an iMac running 24/7

Lars Bertelsen lbe at
Mon Feb 27 14:45:58 PST 2006

Oh, and I just couldn't let this slide! ;-)
The Mac Plus flyback failures weren't caused by 
heat so much as by the high frequency vibrations 
of the transformer... We used to glue them in 
place after repairing the joints, and they almost 
never failed again!
On the other hand, there was a high voltage 
capacitor on the same board which _did_ fail 
because of excessive heat, so I guess the 
principle applies! :-))

Lars Bertelsen

Randy said:
>There are exceptions.  Some Macs that don't have fans can suffer from the
>continued heat cycling caused by frequently turning them on and off, and
>can develop cold solder joints.  (I've fixed many Mac Pluses just by
>touching the solder joints around the flyback with a soldering pen.  In
>fact, I used to install fans in Mac Pluses for friends to make them last

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