[X4U] Hard drive or hard drive controller gone (mirrored doors G4)

Philip J Robar pjrobar at areyoureallythatstupid.org
Mon Jan 9 15:39:54 PST 2006

On Jan 9, 2006, at 5:26 AM, Jim Robertson wrote:

> On 1/9/06 3:15 AM, "Stroller" <macmonster at myrealbox.com> wrote:
>> I think the reason the knackered drive is causing the good one to be
>> unrecognised is probably something like it causing additional &/or
>> extraneous data to be spewed down the EIDE bus.
>> [snip]
>> I've heard this model of IBMs referred to as "DeathStars", but I  
>> don't think that this is a reflection of any real quality-control  
>> issues with them, more like just geeks' propensity for such  
>> wordplay. I heard there was a period a couple of years ago when  
>> IBM had a higher-than-normal failure rate
> Thanks for your quick response. I've heard of the DeskStar's alternate
> appellation (Deathstar). This is the first one of perhaps half a  
> dozen I've
> used that's failed, if indeed that's the problem.

 From what I've read the failure rate of the Deskstars in question  
was within the statistically normal range for consumer drives, but it  
was high enough on the bad side of normal to get people's attention.


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