[X4U] Name of MacBook (was G4 Lifespan)

Linda XPressoBean at mac.com
Thu Jan 12 07:16:12 PST 2006

On 1/12/06 8:56 AM, Andrew Lynch wrote:

> My only question is:
> PowerBook --> MacBook
> PowerMac --> MacMac?

I posed this exact question yesterday on two other lists, and was
immediately dissed because "PowerBook" came out before the PowerPC chip.
People didn't seem to grasp that "PowerBook" is already gone, and with

A) the "grid" naming convention already broken and
B) the PowerPC chip gone (which did coincide with *PowerMacs*, by the way)

that there's very little reason for Apple to keep the "PowerMac" name.
Instead of speculating on a new name, they just kept talking about how
PowerBooks preceded the PowerPC chip, as if I didn't know anything about
Apple history. <sigh>

So anyway, I've wondered the very same thing, Andrew!


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