[X4U] Re: FTPclient

Daly Jessup jessup at san.rr.com
Fri Jan 13 17:06:05 PST 2006

At 1:48 PM -0800 1/13/06, Zane H. Healy wrote:
>  > >>> Can anyone recommend any free FTP client software for OS X.2?
>Open up Terminal.app, and type:
>	ftp {remote hostname}
>Not the easiest way to FTP files, but it's free, and it's already on your
>machine.  Another possibilty would be to see if the old free version of
>Fetch will run under Classic (I don't think I've tried this myself).

Well, there's an OS X version at 

and here's the page that confirms that the educational-use free 
license still applies:


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