Terminal App's (was Re: [X4U] Re: FTPclient)

David Ledger dledger at ivdcs.demon.co.uk
Sun Jan 15 04:21:47 PST 2006

>From: "Zane H. Healy" <healyzh at aracnet.com>
>>>From: "Zane H. Healy" <healyzh at aracnet.com>
>>One of my pet peaves with reguards to Mac OS X is the lack of good free
>>>Terminal (for what I do, Terminal.app isn't good), Usenet, and FTP clients.
>>Doesn't an xterm work for you? That's what I use almost exclusively,
>I just wish I could find room on my desk for a couple VT420 terminals!
>		Zane

And the keyboards. The number of times I've typed and 'nothing' has 
happened, only to realise my efforts were appearing on another 
monitor - even when two have been laptops.

Darwin ports has an xterm but I havn't looked at it.


David Ledger - Freelance Unix Sysadmin in the UK.
Chair of HPUX SysAdmin SIG of hpUG technical user group (www.hpug.org.uk)
david.ledger at ivdcs.co.uk

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