[X4U] DRAM failure (was Hard drive or hard drive controller gone)

Jim Robertson jamesrob at sonic.net
Thu Jan 19 06:42:01 PST 2006

On 1/18/06 2:22 PM, "Linda" <XPressoBean at mac.com> wrote:

> Are the jumpers on the new drive correct? Master, Slave, or CableSelect?

Thanks to Linda's prodding, I tried one last thing - jumpering the drive as
"Master" rather than "Cable Select."

My son's Mac has happily lapped up music of questionable repute (I'm talking
digital rights AND quality) from Limewire for the last 12 hours while my own
access to the 'net is throttled by 50%. In other words, success.

The puzzle for me was that I always thought if hard drives were jumpered
wrong they just would be invisible to the Mac, and I CERTAINLY never thought
a drive jumpered wrong would pass muster to Disk Utility again and again,
AND allow installation of the entire Mac OS Tiger AND function nominally
downloading and installing all the updates Software Update could find, then
freeze the Mac while the box just SAT there displaying the console log.

Jim Robertson

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