[X4U] Syncing Without .Mac

..lj darwin at ljsworld.com
Sun Jul 2 21:40:50 PDT 2006

On Jul 2, 2006, at 19:24, Kevin Willis wrote:

> Here is my set up...
> DSL Modem ---> Router---> 8 Port Switch
> I use a G4 as my main computer and I have a G3 in another room that  
> I use to back up my music and pictures.  Both computers are  
> connected to the switch via ethernet.  I am trying to find the  
> easiest way to back up those two folders to the G3 without using  
> a .Mac account.  Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
I use a cron job that use rsync (RsyncX for those command line  
time_=`date '+%Y%m%d.%H%M%S'`
echo $time_ Mail copied > ~/Library/Mail/MoveLog.txt
rsync -a --delete -e "ssh -p 22" ~/Library/Mail imac:~/Library/
rsync -a --delete -e "ssh -p 22" ~/Library/Mail\ Downloads "imac:~/ 
rsync -a --delete -e "ssh -p 22" ~/Library/Application\ Support/ 
AddressBook "imac:~/Library/Application\ Support/"
rsync -a --delete -e "ssh -p 22" ~/.gnupg imac:~/
rsync -a          -e "ssh -p 22" ~/Library/Preferences/ 
com.apple.mail.plist imac:~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mail.plist.pb
rsync -a --delete -e "ssh -p 22" ~/Library/Application\ Support/ 
SpamSieve "imac:~/Library/Application\ Support/"

Where iMac is the computer I'm backing up my eMail, etc... too. This  
leaves me with a "working" mail backup on my backup computer.

Note: I use rsa keys to handle my ssh logins. 

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