[X4U] Syncing Without .Mac

Philip J Robar philip.robar at gmail.com
Tue Jul 4 03:08:58 PDT 2006

On Jul 2, 2006, at 9:40 PM, ..lj wrote:

> On Jul 2, 2006, at 19:24, Kevin Willis wrote:
>> Here is my set up...
>> DSL Modem ---> Router---> 8 Port Switch
>> I use a G4 as my main computer and I have a G3 in another room  
>> that I use to back up my music and pictures. Both computers are  
>> connected to the switch via ethernet. I am trying to find the  
>> easiest way to back up those two folders to the G3 without using  
>> a .Mac account. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
> I use a cron job that use rsync (RsyncX for those command line  
> challenged)

If Kevin is using Tiger then the included version of rsync has been  
updated to include:

       -E, --extended-attributes
               Apple specific option  to  copy  extended   
attributes,  resource
               forks,  and  ACLs. Requires at least Mac OS X 10.4 or  
               patched rsync.

Personally I use PsyncX for backing up my music folder. It's a GUI  
wrapper for the perl script psync and it's free. Other than these  
couple of options there are more backup/syncing programs for the Mac  
then you can shake a stick at. (Don't people have anything better to  
do with their time then to write yet another backup program?)

For regular non-enterprise, non-tape backups I'd recommend  
SuperDuper!. It's inexpensive and very well thought of.


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