OT: Crap about Dictionary (was - Re: [X4U] iTunes TV outside of USA?)

keith_w keith_w at dslextreme.com
Tue Jul 11 10:51:27 PDT 2006

Eddie Hargreaves wrote:
> On 7/11/06 9:46 AM, keith_w <keith_w at dslextreme.com> wrote:
>> Vince Lewis wrote:
>>> My favorite dictionary lookup method is:
>>> 1. place your cursor over the word in question (no need to highlight it.)
>>> 2. Control-Command-D
>>> 3. There is no step three.
>>> I believe this works in any Cocoa-based app like Safari and Mail.

>> It does not work in SeaMonkey 1.0.

> Is SeaMonkey a Cocoa application? It is based on Mozilla, and no other
> Mozilla-based products (Firefox, Thunderbird, Camino) are Cocoa that I'm
> aware of.

No, you're entirely correct, Eddie. Definitely not Cocoa.
I was just commenting on the fact.
Excuse the non-pertinent interruption.


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