[X4U] 10.4 vs 10.3 with smb shared drives vs shared folders

Brett Conlon brett.conlon at sonydadc.com
Sun Jul 30 23:07:50 PDT 2006

Hi all,

Anyone know why 10.3 cannot see an smb shared folder? I'm accessing it 
using: smb://111.222.333.44

Our IT dept SAN has a number of shared drives and a shared folder that I 
need my designers to have access to. 10.4 users can see the folder but 
10.3 users can't - only the shared drives.

Actually the IT fellow just had me successfully connect with the following 
method:  smb://111.222.333.44/FolderName

I'm still curious to know what the difference in the OS is.



ps. I also noticed that the read only icon (pencil with line through it) 
does not appear at bottom left of folders that I can't write to. Is this 
the Mac OS window not getting the info it needs to show the correct access 

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