[X4U] Re: RDC performance

Stroller macmonster at myrealbox.com
Wed Mar 1 08:29:24 PST 2006

On 1 Mar 2006, at 06:41, Zane H. Healy wrote:

> At 10:42 PM -0500 2/28/06, Muckerheide wrote:
>> on 2/28/06 8:27 PM, Zane H. Healy at healyzh at aracnet.com wrote:
>>>  I wonder if this is simular to how VNC sessions are painful when  
>>> displayed
>>>  on a G5, but just as good as being on the actual system on a  
>>> much slower x86
>>>  system.  Same with MS RDC sessions.
>> My use of MS RDC on a G5 is full speed, as though being on the  
>> system.
> That's interesting.  Are you connecting to a Windows Terminal  
> Server, or simply to a WinXP box?  Also what speed box?
> In connecting to a 1.6Ghz P4 with 2GB RAM over a basically idle  
> switched 100Mbit ethernet, from a dual 2Ghz G5 with 1.5GB RAM with  
> Mac OS X 10.3.9 it was anything but like being there.  It is  
> usable, but definitely not that great.

As a datapoint I've recently been connecting to an MS SBS 2003 server  
on a fairly regular basis. I connect using my G4 Powerbook when I'm  
on site - it's just like being at the machine - and with my DP G5  
from home, across town; that's still remarkably usable.


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