[X4U] Updating Safari with old Bookmarks

Vince Lewis vplewis at mac.com
Tue Mar 14 17:43:17 PST 2006

On Mar 14, 2006, at 5:20 PM, Brett Conlon/HU/AU/SonyDADC wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've recently rebuilt my Laptop's OS (10.4.5 to 10.4.5) and I'm  
> trying to drag my old Bookmarks.plist file to replace the new one  
> in ~/Library/Safari. The old file is 153k and the new one is 4k.  
> Howefer, when I launch Safari none of my old bookmarks appear and  
> when I quit Safari the replaced Bookmarks file goes from 153k back  
> to 4k.
> I can open the bookmarks file into Text Edit and see my bookmarks,  
> along with lots of code-like references but before I try transplant  
> surgery on it I thought there may be a more appropriate way to  
> achieve this.
> Many thanks,
> Coj


File Menu-->Import Bookmark . . . while in Safari might be a better  
way to do it.

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