[X4U] G6 (Was: Re: X4U Digest, Vol 21, Issue 17)

Paul Moortgat paul.moortgat at pandora.be
Thu May 11 21:28:20 PDT 2006

I'm the 'original' poster.  I got that news from Mac Observer <http:// 
I only let it know when the news is somehow 'special'.

Paul Moortgat

On 12 May 2006, at 01:19, Linda wrote:

> On 5/11/06 4:09 PM, Eddie Hargreaves wrote:
>>> The only fact that I would not consider this a hoax is the source  
>>> it came
>>> from
>>> “Randy Singer”. I’m waiting for him to elucidate on his post a  
>>> bit more.
>> The product is a scam and I think Randy assumed everyone here  
>> could figure
>> that out.
> It was posted to another list to which Randy (and I) belong. A few  
> hours
> later, he posted it (I assume for entertainment rather than  
> information!)
> over here and to at least one other list to which we both belong. I  
> don't
> have any idea if the original poster had done any verifications --  
> indeed,
> there's no way to know that the "original" poster was actually the  
> original
> poster. He might simply have seen it on yet another list.
> As with all things Internet: Caveat Emptor.

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