[X4U] Re: Rolling back to 10.4.7

Daly Jessup jessup at san.rr.com
Fri Nov 3 04:56:00 PST 2006

At 5:06 PM +0900 3/11/06, Cornett wrote:
>Understandably quite true, and in OS9.x/Classic the likes of; Netscape,
>iCab, Opera and WamCom work, while in OSX.2 and beyond; Safari, FireFox,
>Camino, iCab and Opera (and if one so chooses Netscape and Mozilla too),
>are pretty much all the browsing power one should ever need. I've each
>of the newest versions installed, yet've given up on Netscape & Mozilla
>in OSX other than as bookmark moving tools. Are there any others that
>I've missed and need to install and tryout?

If you're really collecting browsers, I know a couple of others. One 
is SeaMonkey (which I think is the latest branch of Mozilla 
development). I like SeaMonkey because it contains a simple html 
editor as one of its components. Some people also like Sunrise 
Browser and OmniWeb.


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