[X4U] Sorry...late..but I need a iPhoto Substitute...

Earle Jones earle.jones at comcast.net
Tue Nov 7 17:02:53 PST 2006

On Nov 7, 2006, at 4:04 PM, PEC wrote:

> I apologize to the group for what is probably a topic that has been  
> discussed extensively.........but my PB G4 has worked beautifully  
> for years only recently having a hard drive failure however the new  
> drive has OS X 10.4.8 and I only now realized that iPhoto is not  
> included....I would prefer a client application versus a web  
> application since my family are used to seeing local copies.....I  
> will buy iLife as a last resort since with all it's positive  
> attributes iPhoto had many negatives...so I am open to suggestions..
> Thanks in advance
> Philip


I would try Thorsten Lemke's "GraphicConverter" -- it's a very well  
maintained shareware, which costs about US$20.

I have used it for close to ten years -- I could not get along  
without it.

And Lemke is great at providing personal support.

You can download the latest version (5.9.2) at VersionTracker:



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