[X4U] How stable is 10.4.8?

Jim Warthman jim.warthman at affinity-systems-inc.com
Fri Oct 6 19:13:21 PDT 2006

That's weird, because I have several of the Mercury Elite Pro drives, and I
run them with the FW800 interface without any issues.

Even so, I agree with your wondering about Apple and these long-standing
Firewire issues.


-- Jim

On 10/6/06 5:49 PM, "Matt Gregory" <vdub.grego at gmail.com> wrote:

> Jim,
> Mine are Mercury Elite Pro drives from Other World Computing.  I'm
> glad I opted for the dual USB/FireWire interface :-)
> There's lots of information about the problem online.  It's all
> pretty old.  Been around since at least 10.3.  My take on it is that
> the problem has been around for a long time and Apple doesn't know
> how to fix it.  So it's simply being ignored.  You can find some
> writeups on how to "reset your FireWire ports" which may or may not
> help you for only a certain amount of time.
> It makes me wonder if it's one of the reasons we see FireWire
> disappearing from some new products like the MacBook and 5G iPods ...
> matt.
> On 6 Oct 2006, at 8:37 PM, Jim Warthman wrote:
>> Matt,
>> I'm still running 10.4.7, but I've had similar issues with external FW
>> drives. I'm curious, what manufacturer/model drive(s) are giving
>> you these
>> problems? My problems have been with a Maxtor OneTouch III 1 TB drive.
>> Thanks,
>> -- Jim
>> On 10/6/06 5:17 PM, "Matt Gregory" <vdub.grego at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It's probably just coincidental, but the occasional problem I have
>>> with external firewire hard drives seems to have come up a couple of
>>> times now in the past 3 days since I've had 10.4.8 installed.
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