[X4U] Commentary: Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree

Brett George brettgeorge at comcast.net
Mon Oct 16 10:41:10 PDT 2006

Yeah! The guy is an absolute moron! I don't understand how he got 
through law school if he is that lazy a thinker. Most of what he is 
whining about is a complete lie on his part because there isn't any 
other explanation for it. You DON'T HAVE to buy a .mac account for Mail 
to work or iCal. "Safari is second rate at best because it can't use 
Flash?" You have to have Flash on your computer first dummy!
90% or more of what he is complaining about is covered in the most basic 
Read Me files and Help. But it sounds like he's one of these guys that 
prides himself on never reading the instructions for anything. Just goes 
to show how ignorant he really is.

In all reality, all this guy is, is a Flamer trying to cause problems. 
Because I just can't beleive anyone could actually be THAT stupid!


J Flenner wrote:
> Any responses for this fellow?
> jf
> Commentary: Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree
> Consultant rebuts Mac lovers, describing how his G5 soured his home 
> office
> By Larry Bodine
> Law Technology News
> October 16, 2006
> http://www.law.com/jsp/legaltechnology/pubArticleLT.jsp?id=1160730321685
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