[X4U] Re: iSight for sale in Europe

Simon Forster simon-lists at ldml.com
Thu Oct 26 07:26:47 PDT 2006

On 26 Oct 2006, at 14:41, Robert Ameeti wrote:

> Anything illegal will cost you more than on the open market.


1) I don't believe that the european directive covers the sale of  
second-hand goods. Ergo, the sale is not illegal.

2) "Street" cigarettes[1] versus legitimate cigarettes sold in the  
shops in the UK? Illegal cigarettes are significantly cheaper than  
their legal counterparts.

3) Parallel imports (although the legality is still being tested in  
many jurisdictions). The whole raison d'etre for parallel imports is  
that goods can be bought abroad, shipped in and still sold more  
cheaply than directly imported goods.

Simon Forster
  LDML Ltd, 62 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5HZ, UK
  Tel: +44 (0)20 8133 0528   Fax: +44 (0)70 9230 5247

[1] Those bought within the european union and brought into the  
country, ostensibly for personal consumption thus avoiding the UK's  
punitive cigarette tax.

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