On 10/30/06 11:29 AM, nk wrote: > no argument at all, Linda. Playing "devil's advocate", as you said in your post, is a polite way to say, "I disagree with you and let's look at my side of it". That is indeed argument. :-) You can't play devil's advocate for "not upgrading" in reply to a post that didn't advocate upgrading! If you and the poster to which you reply -- i.e., me -- are on the same side, there's no way to be the "devil's advocate". My suggestion to "look at history" was intended for you to actually look at history, thinking you'd find answers for the "pros and cons" of upgrading from people who HAVEN'T been upgrading. Asking in the X4U forum -- which by creation is filled with people running OS X, and therefore, HAVE been upgrading -- won't net you a helpful cross-section of people who haven't always been quick to upgrade. I'm sorry you thought I meant my post to support upgrading. That was not my intent.