[X4U] LaCie Hard drive troubles

Wayne Wilkin macsys at mac.com
Thu Feb 22 11:24:43 PST 2007

I went thru the exact same crap with one of Lacie's drives. It was  
out of warranty, so I was kind of screwed. So since I could not  
longer depend on the drive I decided to take it apart. worked fine  
out of the enclosure, came to the conclusion that it must of been  
something with the Firewire interface inside the drive itself. I  
purchased a enclosure stuck the drive in it been working ever since,  
just my 2¢, Wayne.

On Feb 22, 2007, at 2:05 PM, faramineux wrote:

> I have 5 or 6 LaCie Firewire external drives. From 500 to 125gb.  
> They have been OK until one of them is now giving me some grief.  
> Suddenly, out of the blue it won't be accepted: The dreaded message  
> arrives - Do you want to initialize this drive? I called LaCie and  
> they showed me how to repartition the drive: Choose one partition  
> and called the drive by a name I have never used before. It worked  
> for a week. Then same problem. Called LaCie and the tech person  
> told me that I should NOT use the drive in a daisy chain, etc. He  
> says the data must be corrupted but the drive is sound. Needless I  
> no longer trust that drive. What do you make of it? By the way this  
> is a drive that has 800 and 400 Firewire outlets. I use the latest  
> version of Mac OSX. TIA
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