[X4U] dragging files to burn onto disk

Mark Des Cotes mark at astroprinting.com
Tue Jan 9 11:16:12 PST 2007

Boy, do I feel stupid.

I just experimented by dragging a folder onto a CD with the Option  
key held down. A progress bar appeared showing the folder being  
copied over. I then dragged another folder over this time without the  
Option key. This time there was no progress bar. (both folder are  
aprox 100MB in size). Checking the disk on the desktop shows both  
folders, one listed as a folder the other as an Alias. That's where I  
would pause in the past. I would remove the Alias and, holding the  
Option key drag the folder over again. This time I didn't I just  
burned the disk. After the burn, low and behold I have two complete  
folders on the CD. The difference being the one I dragged over with  
the Option key held lists today's date and the time I dragged it  
over. The one that was an Alias lists the actual date and time the  
folder was last modified. All this time I've thought I had been  
burning Aliases when I forgot the Option key. I've thrown out who  
knows how many disks and started over without ever checking them.

Never too old to learn.

Mark Des Cotes
Systems Manager/Graphic Designer

Astro Printing Service (Cornwall) Ltd.
3308 Second Street East
Cornwall Ontario Canada  K6H 6J8
T (613) 932-9281 Ext 106,  F (613) 932-1052

On 9-Jan-07, at 12:28 PM, Stroller wrote:

> On 9 Jan 2007, at 17:01, Mark Des Cotes wrote:
>> Is there any way to change the behaviour in the Finder so that  
>> when I drag a file or folder onto a blank CD or DVD it actually  
>> copies the info instead of creating an Alias? I know I to hold the  
>> Option key while dragging but sometimes when I'm in a rush old  
>> habits return and I forget the Option key. Just this morning I  
>> burnt a CD full of Aliases for a customer that was waiting at the  
>> counter. What's the point of creating an Alias on a CD or DVD anyway?
> Sounds like a bug with your system. I only ever drag & drop files  
> when burning a CD or DVD, never using the option key. I always see  
> an icon that looks like an alias (I had to check this, because I  
> never use aliases) but when I click burn the full files are burned  
> to the disk correctly (and as one would intuitively expect). No  
> "aliases" are burned to disk on my 10.4 systems.
> Stroller.
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