[X4U] PCI vs PCI Experss

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Mon Jan 15 10:20:29 PST 2007

> I  am wondering if the pci cards that I have in my G4 933 are usable  
> in my new Mac Pro 2.66?

It looks like all you have for slots are 4 full length PCI-Express expansion
slots, which is interesting.  I'm afraid you're out of luck.

Also makes me that much more convinced I want to go Firewire for adding an
Audio interface to my G5 2x2.

> For those interested, I have found a significant speed upgrade in  
> Photoshop CS2 on the newer machine as compared to the G4. A few  
> things seem a bit slower. Like the save dialog window seems a bit   
> slow in opening when I am saving a file as a jpg.
> Jens
> ...lost in Montana...

Did you change OS versions as well when you upgraded?  Maybe the slowdown is
something to do with Rosetta?  It seems a bit strange.


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