[X4U] [Will Macs run Lenix?

Richard Gilmore rgilmor at uwo.ca
Thu Jan 25 07:49:30 PST 2007

I tried installing Fedora (A Linux Distro) on my old G4 got through the
install process etc...but couldn't get it to actually boot afterwards. I
think the Intels would be easier to install. I read a story that Apple gave
Linus Torvalds a G5 a couple of years ago and he of course ran Linux and
proclaimed that the PPC architecture was the way of the future.

Now does anybody know how to make a Mactel into a dual boot OSX/Linux?
There's a triple boot method I read about that requires Windows and Boot
Camp but I'm not sure about a dual boot.

Any ideas?

On 25/1/07 2:05 AM, "john" <john at MLCE.net> wrote:

>> Not sure what the heck "Lenix" is, but if you're referring to Linux,
>> yes, they run it just fine. As do the PowerPC Macs. Ubuntu is a
>> popular choice these days.
> -patch
> Yes, Linux, that's what I meant!  I don't use it, I am a terrible
> speller, and well no other excuses.  Got the proper spelling in the
> dictionary now so may not be a spelling problem in the future (no
> guarantees though).  Thanks for the VERY fast reply.
> John Dach

Richard Gilmore
Media Production Centre
Faculty of Education
University of Western Ontario
rgilmor at uwo.ca

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