[X4U] Re: Flushed

keith_w keith_w at dslextreme.com
Fri Jan 26 08:27:09 PST 2007

Robert Ameeti wrote:
> Why was Apple's lack of interest the death blow of that list? I would 
> have thought you were doing it for your readers and such.

> At 10:40 PM -0800, 1/25/07, Randy B.Singer wrote:
>> Once I determined that Apple had absolutely no interest in my 
>> developing that site further, I ceased working on it.  The site would 
>> have three times the number of applications listed on it if I thought 
>> that investing the effort was worth it.
>> Randy B. Singer

I'd guess there are a few small, not obvious details you don't know, Robert!

keith whaley

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